Sunday, November 14, 2010


Welcome to the cr6educator blog. I created this blog so that we could all collaborate and share ideas. My vision is for us to share things that work in our classrooms, that may work for others as well. I have learned quite a bit from other teachers, but I think there is much more out there to learn.

Mrs. Curtis shared with me something called "dropbox." I downloaded it to my computer at home and at school. Then I can work at home and put things in the dropbox. When I get to school, there they are. (

Mr. Brown shared and invitation to google wave. It is like a wiki site but in real time. I think this is something that might be of value to us all. (

I found a free chat creator called Chatzy. It allows you to create password protected chat rooms for the students in your class. You can view and print the chats to make sure students are on task. This has worked well for me. We had a "silent day", and they had to chat everything. Students chatted about what to do for our data collection. They divided into two groups and decided to send out two surveys. One survey will go to staff and the other to students. They are now planning the questions to send out for the surveys. (

I also found this blog site. I used it to let students turn in work to me. I assigned an on line fraction game, and they had to blog to me what they learned, what they still need to learn, and how many questions they got right verses how many questions they were able to attempt. I required the blog to be written in proper English. ( If my students have to have an email account for this or anything else, I create a "dummy" gmail account. I let them all use this account, then no personal information is transferred.

It is important to me to teach students about internet safety. As we explore the internet, I emphasize to students to never share anything personal. I explain that "personal" can be as simple as their last name and includes their address, birthday, etc. It is important that they understand they must be safe at home and at school. I attempt to create safe places for them to visit. I know at some point they will go out on the web alone. I always want to help them hear that safety is important on the internet. I find that my own children do not understand how visible they are on the web. It is important for us to educate the students about how to stay safe on the internet.

There are still a few things with which I am playing. I am interested in the epals site. It is a site for global classrooms. ( I am also interested in going paperless in my classroom. That means that most work could be turned in via electronic means, saving our school money and copy machine ink. I am working on how to do that with math problems, and am close to getting some things organized. I am not there yet; I am just beginning to explore the possibilities. I am interested in spending some more time trying to understand google docs for this idea. if anyone has any insight on how that works for students to turn in assignments, I would love to hear it.

I also want to make some podcasts, and I am playing with wikispaces. ( There are so many things out there on the web to explore. Please share some URLs and some ideas. What are you doing in your classroom?